Regarding reporting for the first half year

With reference to the notification from the Oslo Børs on 1 September 2023 at 15:45 CEST regarding placement of the bond issued by BEWI Invest, ISIN NO0012514324, in the Penalty Bench, BEWI Invest hereby informs that the company has received consent from its bondholders to delay the publication of the company’s report for the first half of 2023.

The company acquired 44.4 per cent of the seafood company SinkabergHansen for NOK 2.2 billion in April. The postponement is related to converting financials from SinkabergHansen to IFRS and including these to the accounts.

The report will be published as soon as possible.

Bjørnar André Ulstein,
CEO BEWI Invest,
+47 402 30 785