Successful completion of NOK 300 million tap issue

Reference is made to the press release from BEWI Invest AS («BEWI Invest» or the «Company») published 29 March 2023 regarding the agreement to acquire 44.4 % of the shares in SinkabergHansen AS (the «Transaction»), and the stock announcement made on 25 April 2023 regarding, among other things, the general meeting’s approval of the Company’s resolution to issue hybrid bonds to be used as consideration in the Transaction.

The Company is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed a tap issue of NOK 300 million (the «Tap Issue»), under its NOK 600 million perpetual callable hybrid bond issue with ISIN NO0012514324 (the «Bond Issue»). As a result of the Tap issue, the total outstanding amount under the Bond Issue will be increased to NOK 900 million. The Tap Issue was completed at an issue price of [100% of par value].

The Tap Issue was used as partial consideration in the Transaction.

Carnegie AS acted as manager and bookrunner in connection with the Tap Issue. Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS acted as legal advisor to BEWI Invest in connection with the Tap Issue.

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Bjørnar André Ulstein,
CEO BEWI Invest,
+47 402 30 785

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.