Up close with the Chairman

PASSION: – If you like what you are doing, it’s so much easier to become good at it, says chairman at BEWI Invest, Stig Wærnes. Photo: Doxacom.
When the accountant Stig Wærnes was asked if he would like to do "some real work", he didn't hesitate to accept. "I've learned a lot from Svenn (Bekken, editor's note)," he says, adding that a bit of "craziness" is essential for success.

– Leaving BDO in 2020 was a significant decision for me. I had many good years there, but the invitation to be more closely involved in BEWI’s next chapter was too exciting to pass up. I was asked if I wanted to do “some real work”, as the people from Frøya put it, Stig says with a smile.

» If you enjoy what you do, it’s so much easier to become good at it.

Nothing is impossible
The man from Frøya he refers to is entrepreneur and former CEO Svenn Bekken. Through his position at BDO, Stig had already worked closely with Svenn as an auditor and advisor for many years, so he knew what he was getting into.

– As an advisor, you learn from your clients. I’ve learned a lot from Svenn. He always said, “Nothing is impossible,” encouraging me to focus on opportunities rather than limitations.

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE: – As an advisor, you learn from your clients. I’ve learned a lot from Svenn Bekken (centre). “Nothing is impossible,” he said, urging me to focus on opportunities rather than limitations.

This was a stark contrast to Stig’s auditing background, where his training focused on the constraints of the Financial Supervisory Authority. As he puts it, “a creative auditor is a bad auditor,” which constantly challenged his thinking.

– I see similar creative qualities in Christian Bekken, who leads the company today. Even though I’m a seasoned professional, I’ve learned a lot from their strategic approach, he says.

» There’s an enormous power of execution here.

Power of execution
When Stig first got to know the company as an advisor, BEWI had one factory on Frøya. Today, BEWI Invest is an international industrial investment company with thousands of employees across its portfolio, a development Stig attributes to the company’s creativity and execution power.

THE BROTHERS: Geir and Svenn Bekken in front of Havheim Guest House, which they took over on 1 January 1976. The brothers had travelled the world to gain knowledge and professional experience before returning to Frøya to start their own business, starting with the guest house.

– There’s an enormous power of execution here. That’s what sets this company apart. Many people are creative, but without the ability to execute, progress grinds to a halt, he says.

In a forward-thinking team, not everything can be implemented as quickly as desired, which is why Stig believes a key part of role as Chairman is sometimes to slow things down.

– That’s why it’s good that we’re all different. Even though we want to achieve a lot, it’s crucial to have a strong governance structure and ensure everyone is on board. Good dynamics, trust and mutual respect are what make it work, he explains.


POWER OF EXECUTION: When Stig first got to know BEWI as an advisor, the company had just one factory on Frøya. Today, BEWI Invest is an international industrial investment company with thousands of employees in its portfolio companies.

Being Chairman of the board of an ambitious company like BEWI Invest is not a nine-to-four job, so we wonder what Stig does to relax and rechage?

– You eventually learn what keeps you going over the years. For me, it’s important to have something that distances me from work, he says.

Music is where Stig finds his sanctuary. He was an active musician growing up and still plays, albeit not as frequently as before.

– I can’t sit and play the guitar while pondering a transaction, he explains, reflecting on his early days as a touring musician.

Threw away the sheet music
Initially, his family wanted him to play the piano. But an attentive piano teacher quickly realised it was not the right fit and suggested he find some mates to play with instead. That was exactly what Stig did.

– We threw away the sheet music and played the music we loved. We would practise maybe four to five hours a day, only playing the songs we thought were the coolest, he says.

And perhaps that was the key to success. His band, The Passengers, won the Trøndelag Rock Championship in 1988, as well as a national competition organised by NRK, leading to a record release the same year. They toured the country for a few years, and since then, Stig has been involved in other recording projects. These experiences have taught him valuable lessons that he has carried into the business world.

– If you enjoy what you do, it’s so much easier to become good at it. Be it in your spare time or business, he confirms.

» There’s more visible emotion, passion and generosity here.

THE PASSENGERS: As a young man, Stig Wærnes toured with his band, The Passengers. They won both the Trøndelag Rock Championship and a national competition organised by NRK. They went on to play many concerts in the late 80s and early 90s, performing at most of the clubs in Trondheim, either alone or with other bands. The Passengers played as a support band and at festivals alongside Jokke & Valentinerne and DumDum Boys. From left to right: Morten Fredheim, Stig Wærnes, Paul Henriksen, and Lars Otto Lyng.

A DEFINITE POTENTIAL: The band participated in record releases organised by NRK after winning NRK and the music magazine Beat’s demo competition, “Absolutt potensiale” (cover picture) along with other releases.

A bit “crazy”
What makes a good individual has always fascinated Stig, who chose to throw away the sheet music as a young man. At BDO, he learnt that “cleverness” is not always the common denominator among those who succeed in business or top sports–in fact, sometimes it is quite the opposite.

– The best often turn out to be a bit “crazy”–they believe everything is possible and don’t care what others think, he says.

And this was perhaps precisely what Stig recognised in his meeting with Svenn Bekken and BEWI Invest. An indomitable will to make things happen, combined with a deep sense of humanity.

– I think everyone who works closely with BEWI Invest recognises some of the core values of the ownership. There is more visible emotion, passion and generosity here, which makes it easier to tolerate a bit more, he concludes.

HAS LEARNT A LOT FROM SVENN: Stig Wærnes served as a financial advisor to BEWI and former CEO Svenn Bekken for several years before becoming Chairman of the Board. Photo: Herman Lersveen and Doxacom.

This interview was conducted in February 2024.

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