Driven by value creation

VALUE CREATOR: – My most important driving force is to feel that I’m contributing to value creation and meeting deadlines. At BEWI Invest, my work environment is highly focused on this," says Mona Raaum Jansen. Photo: Doxacom.
– I often have an idea of what I will do when I go to work. But then a series of other issues appear as well. I think it's important to have varied and exciting tasks to thrive at work, says Mona Raaum Jansen.
Mona Raaum Jansen has worked as a business controller at BEWI Invest since 2023. Her responsibilities include accounting, payroll, and reporting for the parent company and several of its subsidiaries. Her role involves meeting many short deadlines. – To deliver the figures on time, we strive to stay up-to-date and work well together towards the deadlines, she says. Collaboration across the organisation A busy yet fulfilling working day requires close and effective collaboration across various departments and companies. Mona appreciates that BEWI Invest has established a finance forum where all finance departments meet once or twice a year. – We work well together across the companies and share experiences. The last time we met, we had a professional meeting, dinner, and tickets to a handball match. About 20 people attended and we had a good time, she adds enthusiastically.
» My most important driving force is to feel that I’m contributing to value creation.
A short journey from idea to realisation

COOPERATION: Cooperation and a short journey from idea to realisation are essential for Mona’s job satisfaction. The active woman from Trøndelag, who prefers to be found on a mountaintop with skis on her feet in her spare time, values getting things done efficiently. Here, she is on her way to the top of Galdhøpiggen, Norway, with her partner Anders and friends. Photo: Private

And cooperation is an essential factor in Mona’s well-being. The active woman from Trøndelag, who prefers to be found on a mountaintop with skis on her feet in her spare time, values getting things done efficiently.

– My main driving force is to feel I’m contributing to value creation and delivering work within given deadlines. At BEWI Invest, I work in an environment that prioritises this. I feel that we’re closer to realising ideas and projects, she says.

– I also benefit from having highly skilled and experienced colleagues to discuss issues with, which fosters good knowledge transfer and development in our daily work.

Mona is pleased that BEWI Invest and several of its subsidiaries share office space in Trondheim. This setup provides numerous social interaction opportunities, which she believes are crucial for job satisfaction.

– We also visit our subsidiaries at other locations, which helps us understand different parts of the company and their focus areas, she adds.

» We work well together across the companies

Draws on internal knowledge

WITH SKIS ON HER FEET: Mona invested in touring skis during the pandemic but continues to enjoy cross-country skiing in the high mountains and  Bymarka outside Trondheim. In the photo, she’s enjoying another glorious day in the mountains of Meråker. Photo: Private

When we meet Mona, the company’s sustainability reports and the Transparency Act are top priorities for her and her team. She finds this work both meaningful and stimulating.

– As part of our work on sustainability reporting, we conducted a workshop with external sustainability experts and representatives from our group companies, Mona explains. She adds that new requirements and local solutions were extensively discussed and shared.

– At BEWI Invest, we are committed to enhancing our expertise in this area, and several finance department members are actively involved. We aim to improve cooperation further, as some companies in the Group have advanced knowledge that several of the companies can benefit from. Sustainability is integrated into our daily work and BEWI Invest’s strategy, she concludes.

This interview was conducted in February 2024.

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