From Chef to Catalyst of Norway’s Seafood Industry
With a career spanning from chef and restaurant owner to State Secretary at the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Fisheries, Roy Angelvik has built unique expertise at the intersection of politics and business. Today, he uses this experience as a business developer at BEWI Invest, contributing to strengthening Norway’s seafood industry – one of the country’s most important export sectors.
Financial calendar
Financial calendar for Bewi Invest AS
Creating diamonds from companies and people
– 2024 has been a challenging year, but at the same time, we’ve reached milestones that show what can be achieved through hard work and long-term choices, says Bjørnar André Ulstein, CEO of BEWI Invest. In this interview, he reflects on the values, challenges, and highlights of the past year.
Financial controller
Vi ser nå etter en engasjert og ansvarlig Financial Controller som motiveres av faglig utvikling og å bidra til at vi som team lykkes i våre leveranser. Arbeidssted: Trondheim Søknadsfrist: 29. september 2024 Les mer om stillingen og legg inn søknad på